The Paleoindian Database of the Americas



(Click on the link below to access the database file(s). The data is in Excel format. If your computer will not open the file within your browser, right click on the link and choose the "save target as" option to save the file to your computer.)

Carr 2004

Levitt Site Flake Blank Attribute (Shott 1993)

Levitt Site Fluting Attributes (Shott 1993)

Levitt Site Haft Attributes (Shott 1993)

Levitt Site Use-Wear Attributes (Shott 1993)

If you have data you would like to upload for this state, click here.

Click on the thumbnails for the full maps.
Shaded Relief Map
Black and White County Map
(Image courtesy of the
"Color Landform Atlas
of the United States
(Image courtesy of the
U.S. Census Bureau)
Links References
If you have a link to a web-site that you would like add, please email

Dillon, Carr
2004 The Paleoindian Use Of Hixton Siclified Sandstone: Examining the Organization of Western Great Lakes Paleoindian Procurement Stategies. Master's Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Western Ontario; London, Ontario.

Shott, Michael J.
1993 The Levitt Site: A Parkhill Phase Paleo-Indian Occupation in Central Michigan. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology University of Michigan No. 25: Ann Arbor.


The University of Tennessee Department of Anthropology· Knoxville Tennessee 37996 · Telephone 865-974-4408